”Enhancement and management of minor historic centers and related landscape-environmental areas” (Fo.Cu.S. )
Fo.Cu.S is an Interdepartmental Research Center of Rome Sapienza University. Its main aims consist in developing local economic resources and promoting the regeneration of small centers. Our approach is oriented to investigate the landscape-environmental systems integrating different disciplinary sectors in different territorial scales. Our goals intend to promote the enhancement of local resources and the development of tangible and intangible networks.
The FoCuS Center was founded in February 2007 and its members belong to:
_ PDTA, Department of Planning, Design and Architecture Technology;
_ DISG, Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering;
_ DEC, Department of Economics and Law;
_ DICEA, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering.
The activity of the FoCuS Center is part of a growing complexity of the economic and social contexts of reference. Its research activities have therefore also extended to metropolitan and international contexts, with socio-political, theoretical and technical approaches that affect settlement and housing conditions up to landscape and environmental ones.